
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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1st Best Oral Presentation: Estudio tecno-económico de la co-producción biotecnológica de nisina y ácido láctico a partir de co-productos de la industria alimentaria
Authors: Ana Arias
Magazine/book: V Simposio de Investigación en Tecnologías Ambientales
Organization: CRETUS
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 23/09/2021
3rd Best Oral Presentation: Mellora das propiedades de antioxidantes naturais mediante modificación enzimática: potencial aplicación dunha nova peroxixenasa inespecífica (UPO)
Authors: Abel Muñiz
Magazine/book: V Simposio de Investigación en Tecnologías Ambientales
Organization: CRETUS
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 23/09/2021


3rd Best Oral Presentation: Evaluación ambiental de la producción de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) a partir de aguas de conservera
Authors: Alba Roibás
Magazine/book: IV Simposio “Investigación en Tecnologías Ambientales"
Date: 10/09/2020
1st Best Oral Presentation: Plataforma biocatalítica integrada baseada en sistemas acuosos bifásicos para a oligomerización sostible de rutina
Authors: Abel Muñiz
Magazine/book: IV Simposio “Investigación en Tecnologías Ambientales"
Organization: CRETUS Institute
Date: 10/09/2020


3rd Best Oral Presentation: Modelaxe da producíon de ácidos graxos volátiles a partir de protéinas en fermentacións de cultivos mixtos
Authors: Alberte Regueira
Magazine/book: III Symposium: Research in Environmental technologies
Organization: Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies CRETUS
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Date: 04/07/2019
Mother Earth Award "A lifetime dedicated to recovery"
Organization: Spanish Federation of Recovery and Recycling (FER)
Date: 13/06/2019


Pescaenverde, special recognition at Technology Transfer Awards in Galicia 2018
Authors-Ext: Pedro Villanueva, Ian Vázquez-Rowe
Organization: Real Academia Galega de Ciencias (RAGC) & Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN)
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 27/11/2018

El jurado de los Premios a la Transferencia de Tecnología en Galicia 2018 decidió otorgar una mención especial al proyecto “Pescaenverde: Historia dunha Ecoetiqueta”, la única ecoetiqueta específica de los productos del mar que informa al consumidor sobre el impacto en el cambio climático que supone cada pieza de pescado a la venta. Los investigadores responsables de este proyecto son Gumersindo Feijoo, María Teresa Moreira, Pedro Villanueva y Ian Vázquez-Rowe, todos ellos formaron parte del Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la USC.

Related news: RAGC website, GAIN website , Pescaenverde website

Linguistic Quality Award: Optimization of the enrichment of a mixed culture for the production of polyhydroxyalcanoates from mussel cooking wastewater
Authors: Lucía Argiz
Date: 30/10/2018

Linguistic Normalization Service of the University of Santiago de Compostela, reward the Master Thesis of Lucía Argiz for its linguistic quality

News on website

3rd Best Oral Presentation: Producción de biopolímeros mediante la valorización de grasas y aceites residuales generados en la industria conservera
Authors: Alba Roibás
Magazine/book: II Symposium: Research in Environmental technologies
Organization: Strategic Partnership CRETUS and REGATA Network
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 07/06/2018
Best oral presentation: Correlación entre microorganismos durante una sobrecarga orgánica en reactores anaeróbicos
Organization: II Symposium: Research in Environmental technologies. REGATA Network
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 07/06/2018
Best video pitch: "Modelling the production of high added-value biobased products"
Authors: Alberte Regueira
Organization: II Research Pitches Contest of Compostela Group of Universities (CGU)
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 31/05/2018

Alberte Regueira wins the first prize of the second edition of the Research Pitches Contest with a video entitled ‘Modelling the production of high added-value biobased products’. The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) has organised this Contest targeted to researchers from different Universities. The aim of this contest is to reward the research pitch that best reaches a general audience and transmits the importance of the research work taking into account also the contribution that it makes to society. The video presented by Alberte Regueira with the technical support of Iria Lema, was elected as the best among 19 pitches submitted from 7 different universities.

Watch the video:

Best oral presentation: "Environmental sustainable assesssment of biorefinery production chains from lignocellulosic biomass"
Authors: Maite Moreira
Organization: International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOME 18)
City: San Sebastian (Spain)
Date: 30/04/2018

International Conference on Materials & Energy awards Prof. M. Moreira for her contribution "Environmental sustainable assesssment of biorefinery production chains from lignocellulosic biomass" as best oral presentation

ENERWATER Project: Best Energy Efficiency Project 2018
Authors-Ext: Stefano Longo
Organization: Galician Prizes of Energy 2018
City: A Coruña (Spain)
Date: 05/03/2018

Enerwater project coordinated by Almudena Hospido, has been awarded by the Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Galicia with the Galician Prize of Energy 2018 for best energy efficiency project on 5th March 2018. The cerermony was held on 13/04/18 in A Coruña (Spain) with the presence of the Regional Minister of Industry and other authorities.

News on regional media: - la voz de galicia - diariodeferrol - laopinioncoruna - agencias.abc

Download the jury's decision


Best Oral Communication: Is Anaerobic Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters an option in Spain?
Authors: Álvaro Silva
Organization: Young Water Professional Congress Spain 2017 (YWP Congress)
City: Bilbao, Spain
Date: 16/11/2017
Grant to study the Master on Technology and Water Management
Authors: Adrián Arias
Organization: Young Water Professional Congress Spain 2017 (YWP Congress)
City: Bilbao
Date: 16/11/2017

Due to his great presentation entitled "Removal of dissolved methane and nitrogen in dairy industry wastewater using the SIAM process", Adrián Arias won one of the 4 grants given by the "Escuela del Agua" to study a Master on Technology and Water Management.


Outstanding Poster Award: Influence of external microorganism on the microbiome in anaerobic reactors
Organization: 15th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD15)
City: Beijing, China
Date: 17/10/2017
File attachments: PDF icon poster_iwa_15_guilherme.pdf


Young Researchers Award 2016." Agustín de Betancourt y Molina" Medal
Authors: Sara Gonzalez
Organization: Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering
City: Madrid
Date: 22/11/2016
Aquaenvec. BEST LIFE Environment project 2015
Date: 31/05/2016
The LIFE AQUAENVEC project has been recognized as the Best LIFE-Environment Project 2015


Best Oral Presentation: "Metabolic energy-based modelling explains the pH effect on anaerobic fermentation product yields"
Authors: Rebeca González
Authors-Ext: J.M. Lema and J. Rodríguez
Organization: 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD14)
City: Viña del Mar, Chile
Date: 15/11/2015


Award to ELAN® technology
Date: 28/11/2014
ELAN® technology (autotrophic nitrogen removal) developed among the Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses Group of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the company FCC Aqualia has been awarded with the prize "Innovation + Sustainability + Network" organized by the newspaper EXPANSIÓN. Fcc Aqualia was awarded in the category of Great Sustainable Enterprise thanks to ELAN technology on November 2014.
Best Oral Presentation: "Removal of micropollutants in a nitritation/anammox process"
Authors: Alvariño_Teresa
Authors-Ext: Suárez, Sonia Lema, Juan M. Omil, Francisco E. Katsou, J.R. Vázquez-Padín
Organization: 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP2014). Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges
City: Verona, Italy
Date: 23/06/2014
Best Poster Presentation: "Environmental assessment of organic waste and domestic wastewater management in decentralised communities"
Authors: Lucía Lijó
Authors-Ext: González, Sara Feijoo, Gumersindo Moreira, M.Teresa E. Katsou, S. Malamis, F. Fatone
Organization: 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP2014). Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges
City: Verona (Italy)
Date: 23/06/2014


Eco design project "Nueva Serie 900 ARCOS"
Authors-Ext: Research group Sostenipra -Inèdit-ICTA (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Organization: Design for Recycling Award 2013
City: Barcelona
Date: 15/10/2013
An eco design project, developed by Gumersindo Feijoo, Mª Teresa Moreira and Sara González, from Biogroup-USC and the researcher group Sostenipra -Inèdit-ICTA from Autonomous University of Barcelona, has been awarded at the Design for Recycling Award 2013 in Catalonia. The result of this eco design project is the knife "Nueva Serie 900 ARCOS".
File attachments: Microsoft Office document icon Premio_Ecodiseno.doc
Best Oral Communication Award : "Glucose as substrate for PHA production by open bacterial enrichments"
Authors-Ext: R. Kleerebezem, M. van Loosdrecht
Organization: 7th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP2013)
City: Lisbon
Date: 07/10/2013
“Feasibility of spent metalworking fluids treatment by anaerobic co-digestion”
Authors-Ext: Rocío Pena, Juan A. Álvarez
Organization: 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 25/06/2013
Best Platform Presentation: “Linking thermodynamics and kinetics to assess pathway reversibility in anaerobic fermentations “
Authors-Ext: Robbert Kleerebezem
Organization: 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion
City: Santiago de Compostela
Date: 25/06/2013
Best “ONGOING Project” of LIFE program (“AQUAENVEC”)
Authors-Ext: CETAQUA, Auntonomous University of Barcelona, University of Valencia
Date: 06/06/2013
LIFE+ AQUAENVEC has won the European Projects Awards 2013 in the category of ONGOING projects, organized by the European Projects Association (EPA). AQUAENVEC has been selected by a jury of experts as the best project of its category. This prize came when AQUAENVEC celebrated one year and a half from its beginning.


XII Premio de Invención e Investigación en Química Aplicada "Profesor Martínez Moreno"
Authors: Juan M. Lema
Date: 15/10/2011
El Grupo de Ingeniería ambiental y bioprocesos, del Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la USC, recibe el premio de invención e investigación en química aplicada “Premio Martinez Moreno” otorgado por la Fundación García Cabrerizo y la Universidad de Sevilla y recogido por su Director Juan M. Lema Rodicio. Se destaca en la concesión del Premio “La contribución del Grupo al desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras en el campo del tratamiento de aguas residuales” valorando el doble objetivo de avanzar en el conocimiento científico-tecnológico y la aplicación para la resolución de problemas de la sociedad.
Membrane fouling in a hybrid three stages anaerobic/aerobic MBR
Magazine/book: 8th Aachen Conference Water and Membranes
City: Aachen (Germany)
Date: 03/10/2011


Start up of a pilot scale aerobic granular reactor
Authors-Ext: R.H.R. Costa
Magazine/book: IWA Conference on sustainable solutions fo small water and wastewater treatment systems
Publishing house: Universidad de Girona
City: Girona
Date: 19/04/2010
