Jun, 14th
Gas bioconversion into value added molecules with anaerobic microbial consortia
Dra. Léa Laguillaumie (Visiting Researcher from INSA Toulouse,Francia)
Feb, 23rd
Modelling of biological processes in practice: from anaerobic digestion to aerobic granular systems, facing the ethernal trade-off between model complexity and accuracys
Dra. Arianna Catenacci (Visiting Researcher from Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Prof. Miguel Mauricio
Feb, 8th
Combining life cycle assessment with multicriteria decision tools
Ricardo Rebolledo (Investigador posdoutoral)
Nov, 17th
Sustainability scores prediction of Galician counties
Luís Manuel Silva (Visiting Professor from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto)
May, 26th
Deseño de procesos de biorrefinería mediante optimización
Lucas Van der Hauwaer (Investigador predoutoral)
April, 17th
Resistencia a antibióticos en sistemas de tratamento de auga innovadores
Matías Rivadulla (Investigador predoutoral)
March, 17th
Produción de AGVs a partir de biomasa ligninocelulósica
Juan Iglesias (Investigador predoutoral)
February, 10th
Extracción de compostos de alto valor engadido de residuos agroalimentarios e produción de metano por dixestión anaerobia
Juan Cubero-Universidad de Huelva (Investigador posdoutoral Programa Margarita Salas)
January, 27th
Aplicación de compostos marcados isotópicamente e proteoxenómica para identificar bacterias capaces de metabolizar o copolímero PBAT nun dixestor anaerobio
Alba Trueba (Investigadora Juan de la Cierva formación)
October, 27th
Valorización de residuos de la industria agroalimentaria
Gemma Eibes, Thelmo Lú-Chau, Inés Prado, Javier Bravo will give the next Research Seminar on 27th of october at 10
Download the program
June, 16th
Selective VFA Production from wastes
Marta Carballa, Miguel Mauricio, Riccardo Bevilacqua, Jaqueline Cardoso and Juan Iglesias will give the next Research Seminar on 16th of June at 10. The seminar will be also available through MsTems
May, 26th
Resource recovery Resource using Purple Phototrophic Bacteria and Application of metaproteomics techniques for the detection of proteins
Gabriel Capson and Alba Trueba Postdoctoral researchers will give the next Research Seminar the 26th of May at 10. The seminar will be also available through MsTems
March, 24th
Environment Management in strategic systems
Maite Moreira, Sara González and Xavier Esteve will give the next Research Seminar the 24th of March at 10. The seminar will be also available through MsTems
February, 26th
Technology Transfer and collaboration with companies
Juan M. Garrido will give the next Research Seminar the 26th of February at 10. The seminar will be also available through MsTems
October, 26th
Life Cycle Perspective in Decision Making: Transforming Data into Useful Information
Almudena Hospido, Miguel Mauricio, Mateo Saavedra and Paola M. Guzmán will give the next Research Seminar the 26th of October at 16.00h.
May, 25th
Gemma Eibes, Thelmo Lú Chau, Abel Muñiz and Sandra González will give the next Research Seminar the 25th of May at 10.00h.