
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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September 2024

  • Contrato Técnico Superior de Investigación  

Tipo de Contrato

Contrato de técnico superior de investigación en el ámbito del Proyecto PRETENACC, financiado por el programa IGNICIA de la GAIN de la Xunta de Galicia, con una duración de 6 meses prorrogable a 1 año.

Área de investigación
Desarrollo de un proceso de valorización de aceite de cocina usado para producir bioplásticos hasta su etapa de comercialización.
Equipo investigador: Anuska Mosquera (anuska-mosquera), Ángeles Val (angeles-val) y Alba Pedrouso (albapedrouso).
Breve descripción de las tareas

Gestionar y supervisar la realización de las tareas asociadas al proyecto PRETENACC, que incluyen:

  • Desarrollo de un plan de negocio que permita la comercialización de la
  • tecnología (reuniones y contactos con empresas del sector, publicidad de la tecnología, etc.).
  • Operación de la planta piloto: supervisión de los/as operarios/as, compra de material, reparaciones, etc.
  • Liderar las actividades que permitan realizar la caracterización y evaluación del biopolímero obtenido (propiedades, normativa aplicable, etc.).

Proceso de selección

Las solicitudes deben enviarse por correo electrónico a anuska.mosquera@usc.es (incluyendo en el asunto: “contrato técnico investigación IGNICIA”) antes del 23 de
septiembre 2024. 

Descarga la oferta 

  • Contrato de iniciación a la investigación   

Tipo de contrato

Contrato de iniciación a la investigación en el ámbito del Proyecto PRETENACC, financiado por el programa IGNICIA de la GAIN de la Xunta de Galicia

Área de investigación
Desarrollo de un proceso de valorización de aceite de cocina usado para producir bioplásticos hasta su etapa de comercialización.
Equipo investigador: Anuska Mosquera (anuska-mosquera), Ángeles Val (angeles-val) y Alba Pedrouso (albapedrouso).
Breve descripción de las tareas

  •  Operación, mantenimiento y seguimiento de una planta piloto, operando con la tecnología PRETENACC para la producción de PHA a partir de aceite usado, situada en Mos (Pontevedra).
  • Análisis de las muestras de la planta piloto en el laboratorio: fase líquida (concentraciones de materia orgánica, compuestos nitrogenados, etc.) y fase sólida (concentraciones de sólidos, contenido en PHA, etc.).
  • Tratamiento de los datos de operación de la planta piloto y de los análisis de laboratorio, fundamentalmente mediante el manejo de hojas de cálculo y apoyo en revisión bibliográfica.

Proceso de selección

Las solicitudes con todos los documentos que se indican en la oferta, deben enviarse por correo electrónico a mangeles.val@usc.es (incluyendo en el asunto: “contrato iniciación IGNICIA”) antes del 23 de septiembre

Descarga la oferta 


May 2024

  • Preselection for research contract to develop a PhD within the framework of a Horizon Europe Project.  

Position’s characteristics

A research contract is offered to develop a doctoral thesis at CRETUS center of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the framework of the NUTRITIVE project (Horizon Europe program).

Context description

NUTRITIVE is an ambitious project of the HORIZON-CL6-2023- ZEROPOLLUTION-02 call with 22 international partners (Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, China) coordinated by MEDRAR Smart Solutions, S.L. The project aims to address existing gaps translating current challenges associated with manure management into policy recommendations and technical guidelines towards the implementation of sustainable and cost-effective ad hoc solutions for livestock farming systems.

The person hired will work in the area of ​​Removal of emerging contaminants during anaerobic digestion of livestock wastes led by Prof. Marta Carballa from the Department of Chemical Engineering (Environmental Biotechnology Group, USC). The candidate will also have an excellent opportunity to carry out research stays in the different institutions of the consortium. The contract would begin with a 6-month of training period followed by a 3-year predoctoral contract.

Preselection process

Applications must be sent to marta.carballa@usc.es (including in the subject: “NUTRITIVE PhD position”) before 21st June 2024 at 14:00.

Download the following link for further information about the call, requirements and procedures


December 2023

  • Preselection for research contract on LCA and Biorefineries  

Position’s characteristics

A research contract of 6 months is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela to conduct research in areas that combine chemical process modeling with life cycle assessment to improve time-to-market, process efficiency and sustainability performance. The contract starting date is flexible and foreseen to take place in February 2024. It is possible and desirable to extend this contract to 3 years for the completion of a PhD thesis.

Context description

The research activities are carried out in Biogroup in the framework of a Spanish National project (Transition to sustainable agrifood sector bundling life cycle assessment and ecosystem services approaches -ALISE) that addresses the cause-effect chain perspective of the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach and develops a decision support methodology to integrate the cascading assessment of ecosystem services (ES) as a crucial tool for environmental sustainability, with the aim of increasing knowledge on environmental sustainability and the effects on ES supply.

Preselection process:

Applications and information requests must be sent to sara.gonzalez@usc.es (including in the subject: “LCA and BIOREFINERIES position”) before January 15th, 2024, at 12:00 (CET). The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found, therefore interested candidates are advised not to delay their application. Applications must contain the documents  detailed in the Call.

Download the following link for further information about the call, requirements and procedures


September 2023

  • Research contract to develop a PhD - Transitioning Wastewater Treatment Plants toward CIrcular Economy and Sustainability through Resource and Water recovery from liquid and gaseous streams (CIES)

Position’s characteristics

An opportunity to develop a PhD with financial support for a 4-years period is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (BioGroup) of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

The contract is associated to the CIES project described below and financed by the Spanish Research Agency (former FPI fellowships). The contract includes a monthly salary of 1,260.00 € (year 1 and 2), 1,350.00 € (year 3) and 1,680.00 € (year 4).

In addition, the University Doctorate Taxes will be paid by the grant, as well as a fellowship to perform a 3-month research stay abroad during the PhD period.

The contract starting date would be approximately December 2023 – January 2024.

Project description

Brief work description

  • Evaluation of catalysts applied to the treatment of liquid effluent using the photocatalytic based process.
  • Analysis of the process performance facing the removal of selected micropollutants, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARBs).
  • Process modeling and environmental assessment of developed technology, under Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) perspective.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology or similar areas.
  • Master’s degree in Chemical or Environmental Engineering, or at least have in total 300 ECTS credits passed considering Bachelor + Master subjects.
  • Adequate training in wastewater treatment.
  • Good level of English and ability to travel abroad to attend project meetings or conferences.
  • Commitment to perform a PhD thesis.

Selection process:

Applications must be sent to maite.moreira@usc.es (including in the subject: “CIES position”) before 1st October 2023.

Applications must contain the following documents:

  • Motivation letter (not more than 1 page), indicating the contact details of the candidate and a brief description of the reasons why he/she should be selected.
  • Academic records of Bachelor and Master
  • Curriculum Vitae

The selection process will include a personal interview to those candidates that based on the previous information fulfil the position requirements.

Download the following link for further information about the call, requirements and procedures: Research Contract CIES


  • Research contract to develop a PhD - Assessing the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (micropollutants, pathogens and antibiotic resistances) during segregated wastewater treatment (ARES)

Position’s characteristics

An opportunity to develop a PhD with financial support for a 4-years period is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (https://biogroup.usc.es/).

The contract is associated to the ARES project described below and financed by the Spanish Research Agency (former FPI fellowships). The contract includes a monthly salary of 1,260 € (year 1 and 2), 1,350 €  (year 3) and 1,680 € (year).

In addition, the University Doctorate Taxes will be paid by the grant, as well as a fellowship to perform a 3-month research stay abroad during the PhD period. The contract starting date would be approximately December 2023 – January 2024.

Proyect description: 

Assessing the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (micropollutants, pathogens and antibiotic resistances) during segregated wastewater treatment (ARES) | Group of Environmental Biotechnology (usc.es)

Brief work description

  • Set-up and operation of lab-scale bioreactors under different operational conditions to study the removal of CECs
  • Monitoring of organic micropollutants during the different treatment options
  • Use of microbiological and genetic tools to follow microbial population, pathogens and of selected ARGs, in close collaboration with the microbiologists that participate in the project


  • Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology or similar areas
  • Master’s degree in chemical or environmental engineering, or at least have in total 300 ECT credits passed considering Bachelor + Master subjects
  • Adequate training in wastewater treatment
  • Good level in English and ability to travel abroad to attend project meetings or conferences
  • Commitment to perform a PhD Thesis

Preselection process:

Applications must be sent to sonia.suarez@usc.es (including in the subject: “ARES position”) before 1st October 2023.  Applications must contain the following documents:

  • Motivation letter (not more than 1 page), indicating the contact details of the candidate and a brief description of the reasons why he/she should be selected.
  • Academic record (Bachelor and Master)
  • Curriculum Vitae

The selection process will include a personal interview to those candidates that based on the previous information fulfil the position requirements.

Download the following link for further information about call, requirements and procedures:Research Contract ARES.pdf



November 2022

  • Research contract within the Spanish project ECOPOLYVER - Integrative process development for biopolymer production through the valorisation of lipidic waste streams 

A research contract of 6 months, extendable up to 2 years, is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the Spanish project ECOPOLYVER - Integrative process development for biopolymer production through the valorisation of lipidic waste streams. The contract starting date is foreseen to take place in January/February 2023.


  • Candidates must have a bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, or similar.
  • Candidates with a master level degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biotechnology, or similar will be highly valued.
  • Candidates skilled in TEA as well as scaling up of bioprocesses will be highly valued.
  • Candidates skilled in LCA or related evaluation tools will be highly valued.
  • Experience in wastewater and solid waste valorisation processes will be also highly valued.

Preselection process:

Applications and information requests must be sent to almudena.hospido@usc.es (including in the subject: “ECOPOLYVER position”) before November 30th at 14:00. Applications must contain the following documents:

- Motivation letter (not more than 1 page), indicating: the contact details of the candidate, and a brief description of the reasons why the candidate should be selected.

- Curriculum Vitae.

- Name and contact of two references (e.g. former supervisors).

Download the following link for further information about call, requirements and procedures:PreseleccionECOPOLYVER.pdf


October 2022

  • Research contract on agrifood organic waste valorisation into odd-chain volatile fatty acids (ODDITY project) 

A research contract of 6 months, extendable to 2 years, is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the Spanish project ODDITY. The contract starting date is foreseen to take place in January/February 2023.


  • Candidates must have a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, or similar.
  • Candidates with a master level degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biotechnology, or similar will be highly valued.
  • Experience in wastewater and solid waste treatment processes will be appreciated, especially on anaerobic technologies.
  • Experience in molecular techniques including data processing will be appreciated. 
  • Candidates must be skilled in experimental lab work.

Preselection process:

Applications and information requests must be sent to marta.carballa@usc.es (including in the subject: “ODDITY position”) before November 10th at 14:00.
Download the following link for further information about call, requirements and procedures: PRESELECTION FOR RESEARCH CONTRACT ON AGRIFOOD ORGANIC WASTE VALORISATION INTO ODD-CHAIN VOLATILE FATTY ACIDS (ODDITY project)

September 2022

  • Research contract to work on European Project Cell4Chem 

A research contract of 1 year, extendable to 3 years for completion of a PhD thesis, is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the European project Cell4Chem. The contract starting date is flexible and foreseen to take place in December 2022/January 2023.


  • Candidates must have a master level degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biotechnology, Applied Mathematics, Physics or similar.
  • An interest in developing a research career culminating in the completion of a PhD thesis will be highly valued.
  • Experience in mathematical modelling, programming and the use of scientific software (e.g. Matlab, Octave, Python, etc.) will be appreciated, especially if applied to biochemical models and biosystems.
  • Candidates must be skilled in problem solving and understanding of complex scientific texts.
  • Candidates must have good communication skills as well as proficiency in written and spoken English language

Applications and information requests must be sent to miguel.mauricio@usc.es (including in the subject: “CELL4CHEM position”) before September 30th at 9:00 am.

Applications must contain the following documents:

  • Motivation letter (not more than 1 page), indicating the contact details of the candidate and a brief description of the reasons why they should be selected.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Name and contact of two references (e.g. former supervisors

The preselection process involves the following steps:

  1. Evaluation of applications (motivation letter and CV). The goal of this evaluation is to assess the adequacy of applicant’s profile to the requirements of the call.
  2. Screening test. Successful candidates from the first stage will be invited to a qualifying screening test. The objective of this test is to evaluate candidate’s competency to develop a research career.
  3. Personal interview. Top three candidates after CV screening will be invited for a formal application to the research position, including a personal interview.

December 2020

  • Research contract to work on European Project "Enhancing diversity in Mediterranean cereal farming systems (CerealMed) (due on 16th January 2021 at 14.00h)

The Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela is offering a six-month research contract (extendable to 3 years for the completion of a PhD thesis) to work on the European Project "Enhancing diversity in Mediterranean cereal farming systems (CerealMed)"

The candidate must hold a Master's degree (or be close to its conclusion) in Chemical Engineering, biotechnology or similar areas of knowledge and have experience in simulations and the use of scientific software (e.g. Superpro Designer, Aspen HYSYS and SimaPro) will be appreciated, especially if applied to chemical processes. An interest in developing a research career leading to a doctoral thesis is an asset.

Candidates must have good communication skills as well as good written and spoken English. Research activities will focus on the design, evaluation and optimization of biorefinery systems based mainly on lignocellulosic waste (e.g. wheat straw), which will be analyzed from an environmental point of view using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. Techno-economic and Social assessments will be also conducted to gain a full sustainability perspective.

Contact: Sara González García (sara.gonzalez@usc.es)

Research area: Biorefinery, Circular economy, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainability 

Reference: PCI2020-111978

Date:The contract starting date is approximately February-March 2021

October 2020

  • Research contract for completion of a PhD thesis (HP-NANOBIO) (due on 27th October 2020 at 14.00h)

Four-year contract for the completion of a Doctoral Thesis in the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the framework of the National Project "High Performance Nanocatalysts for Environmental Applications (HP-NANOBIO)".

Contact: Gumersindo Feijoo (gumersindo.feijoo@usc.gal)

Research area: Wastewater, antibiotics, nanoparticles, photocatalysts, removal mechanisms, advanced oxidation processes

Call: Grants for pre-doctoral contracts 2020. Spanish Government. 

Reference: PID2019-111163RB-I00. Documento PDFListado de Proyectos PID PREDOCTORAL 2020 (pdf 1.546 MB)

Date: From 13 to 27 October 2020 at 14h

Check the following link for further information about call, requirements and procedures: Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2020

  • Research contract for completion of a PhD thesis (ANTARES) (due on 27th October 2020 at 14.00h)

Four-year contract for the completion of a Doctoral Thesis in the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela within the framework of the National Project "Analysis of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic biotransformation in innovative plant layouts promoting recovery of carbon in the mainstream and sludge line (ANTARES)". The candidate must hold a Master's degree or be in a position to have one by the middle of next year (May/June 2021).

Contact: Marta Carballa (marta.carballa@usc.gal)

Research area: Wastewater, antibiotics, bioreactors, resistance genes, removal mechanisms, transformation products

Call: Grants for pre-doctoral contracts 2020. Spanish Government. 

Reference: PID2019-110346RB-C21. Documento PDFListado de Proyectos PID PREDOCTORAL 2020 (pdf 1.546 MB)

Date: From 13 to 27 October 2020 at 14h

Check the following link for further information about call, requirements and procedures: Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2020

September 2020

  • Biogroup offers a research contract to work on life cycle assessment (due on 30th September 2020)

The Group of Environmental Biotechnology of the University of Santiago de Compostela is offering a 6-month research contract (extendable to another 6 months full-time) to work on life cycle assessment in two European projects: WOOBADH and RUN4Life. The contract includes a part-time salary of approximately 750 €/month and subsequently, 1,250 €/month. 

Candidates must hold (or be close to obtaining) a Master degree in chemical or environmental engineering, biotechnology or similar, and some training in environmental management.  A good level of English will be well valued. 

Applications must be submitted before 30th September 2020 at 10.00h. Please download this document attached, and check the requirements, the selection process and how to apply for this position.

  • Preselection for research contract on bioprocess modelling and optimisation (due on 29th September 2020)

6-month research contract (extendable to 3 years if completion of a PhD thesis) is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The contract includes an approximate gross salary of 1300 €/month and 14 payments/year. The contract starting date is approximately November 1, 2020.


- Candidates must have a University degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics or similar.

- An interest in developing a research career culminating in the completion of a PhD thesis will be valued.

- Experience in mathematical modelling, programming and the use of scientific software (e.g. Matlab, Octave, Python, etc.) will be appreciated, especially if applied to biochemical models and biosystems

- Candidates must be skilled in problem solving and understanding of complex scientific texts

- Candidates must have good communication skills as well as proficiency in written and spoken English language

Applications and information requested must be sent before September 29th at 9:00 am. Please download this document attached, and find out how to apply for this position.