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Alberte Regueira
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Alberte Regueira
Assistant Professor
Advancing biorefinery design through the integration of metabolic models
Magazine/book: Journal of Cleaner Production
Volume: 465
Date of publication: 01/08/2024
Publishing house: Elsevier
Impact Index: 11.10
Quartil: Q1
DOI: link
Model-aided targeted volatile fatty acid production from food waste using a defined co-culture microbial community
Authors: Alberte Regueira, Marta Carballa, Juan M. Lema, Miguel Mauricio
Authors-Ext: R.Turunen, K.S.Vuoristo, J.Uusitalo
Magazine/book: Science of the Total Environment
Date of publication: 01/01/2023
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 0048-9697
Impact Index: 10.75
Quartil: 1
Decil: 1
DOI: link
Optimising bioreactor processes with in-situ product removal using mathematical programming: A case study for propionate production
Authors-Ext: Ludwig Selder, An-Ping Zeng
Magazine/book: Computers and chemical engineering
Date of publication: 06/11/2022
Publishing house: Elsevier
Impact Index: 4.13
Quartil: 2
Decil: 4
DOI: link
Desarrollo de una biorrefinería basada en el ácido láctico para la valorización flexible de residuos orgánicos en productos químicos (VIALACTEA)
Main researcher: Alberte Regueira
Financial organism: GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos investigación orientada
Reference: PID2023-152622OA-I00
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 01/09/2024
Master Theses
Obtención de ácidos grasos de cadena impar mediante fermentación de lactato
Authors: Catalina Andrea Mieres
Supervisors: Miguel Mauricio, Alberte Regueira
Date: 11/09/2024
Obtención dirigida de ácidos carboxílicos en fermentaciones microbianas: el efecto del medio de cultivo
Authors: Miriam Baleato
Supervisors: Alberte Regueira
Supervisors-Ext: Cubero Cardoso, Juan (Co-tutor)
Date: 09/07/2024
3rd Best Oral Presentation: Modelaxe da producíon de ácidos graxos volátiles a partir de protéinas en fermentacións de cultivos mixtos
Authors: Alberte Regueira
Magazine/book: III Symposium: Research in Environmental technologies
Date of publication: 04/07/2019
Best video pitch: "Modelling the production of high added-value biobased products"
Authors: Alberte Regueira
Date of publication: 31/05/2018
CarboxyLCA: Computer-aided Design Tool for Fostering the Valorization of Food Waste and Side Streams into Carboxylates
Magazine/book: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 25th LCA Symposium
Date: 12/10/2022
Organization: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC Europe)
Optimizing In-Situ Product Removal Operation in a Bioreactor for Different Production Scenarios
Type: Oral presentation
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2022)
Pages: 768-773
Date: 16/06/2022
City: Busan ( South Korea)
Understanding inefficient substrate use with resource allocation models
Authors: Alberte Regueira, Juan M. Lema, Miguel Mauricio
Type: Oral presentation
Magazine/book: ICBM4 (4th International Conference on Biogas Microbiology)
Date: 09/05/2022
City: Braga (Portugal)
Website: ICBM-4