
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Almudena Hospido

Research | Publications | Patents | Projects | Contracts | Doctoral Theses | MS Theses | Awards

Almudena Hospido

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Scientific Profiles

Born in Santiago de Compostela (1976), where she lives now with her daughter (2008) and her son (2012). Chemical engineer as degree, she got her PhD on Chemical and Environmental Engineering in 2005 and achieved her position as Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering in 2013. Her research interests are related to the application and development of Life Cycle Thinking, i.e. Life Cycle Assessment (both from a product and territorial perspective) and Environmental Footprints, with special focus on the water and wastewater sector and on the food production and processing industry. Besides, she has also worked on methodologies for energy efficiency analysis within the wastewater sector where she successful coordinated the ENERWATER project (CSA - H2020: 2015 - 2018), in which a methodology for the evaluation and improvement of energy efficiency in wastewater treatment plants was developed. The ENERWATER methodology received a very positive reception by the CEN technical committee responsible for water and wastewater engineering (CEN/TC165) resulting in the approval and publication of the CEN/TR 17614 Standard method for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plans.

Her CV includes more than 80 documents, of which 65 are peer-reviewed papers in international journals (H-index=37, and more than 4,200 citations). Besides, she is the subject editor responsible for the "Wastewater treatment and management" section of the "International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment" and of the "circular economy and water sensitive cities" section of IWA Open Water Journal.

Finally, she was Vice-Rector for Internationalization of the USC (01/09/2015-4/06/2018), being responsible for the first internationalisation strategic plan of the university, CEO of Cursos Internacionales de la USC (27/10/2015-22/06/2018) and Coordinator of Foreign Relations of the USC (01/09/2013-24/04/2014)..

A multicriteria assessment of food safety measures for a large dairy farm in hot weather conditions
Authors: Almudena Hospido
Authors-Ext: Rodney J. Feliciano, Paola Guzman-Luna , Jeanne-Marie Membré
Magazine/book: Microbial Risk Analysis
Volume: 27-28
Date of publication: 01/12/2024
Publishing house: Elsevier
DOI: link
Quantifying current and future raw milk losses due to bovine mastitis on European dairy farms under climate change scenarios
Authors-Ext: Rajat Nag, Ismael Martínez, Enda Cummins
Magazine/book: Science of the Total Environment
Volume: 833
Pages: 155149
Date of publication: 10/08/2022
Publishing house: Elsevier, B.V.
ISBN: 0048-9697
Impact Index: 10.75
Quartil: Q1
Decil: D1
DOI: link
Analysing the interaction between the dairy sector and climate change from a life cycle perspective: A review
Authors-Ext: Anna Flysjö
Magazine/book: Trends in Food Science & Technology
Volume: 126
Pages: 168-179
Date of publication: 01/08/2022
Publishing house: Elsevier Ltd.
ISBN: 0924-3053
Impact Index: 12.56
Quartil: Q1
Decil: D1
DOI: link
Impulso a la bioeconomía rural revalorizando la ganaderia extensiva de montaña vinculada a la conservación de la biodiversidad (RURALtXA!)
Main researcher: Almudena Hospido
Financial organism: Fundación Biodiversidad. Mº de Transición Ecológica y el reto demográfico. Plan de recuperación, transformación y Resiliencia
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Partners: UdC (Coordinator). Hazi Fundazioa and USC (Partners)
Date of publication: 16/09/2022
Integrative process development for biopolymer production through the valorisation of lipidic waste streams (ECOPOLYVER)
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera, Almudena Hospido
Working Group: Angeles Val
Financial organism: Spanish Government
Reference: PID2020-112550RB-C21
Amount 170126.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 01/09/2021
Unlocking the potential of Sustainable BiodegradabLe Packaging (USABLE Packaging)
Main researcher: Almudena Hospido
Financial organism: European Commission. Horizon 2020 Programme. Call: H2020-BBI-JTI-2018
Reference: EU ID: 836884
Amount 292059.00€
Scope: Proyecto europeo
Date of publication: 16/06/2019
Incremento do valor da gama de leite modificado unicla mediante a reducion da pegada de carbono e declaracion na etiqueta
Main researcher: Almudena Hospido
Working Group: Sara Gonzalez
Financial organism: FEIRACO SOCIEDADE COOPERATIVA GALEGA (vía a Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar)
Amount 30910.00€
Date of publication: 22/07/2013
A life cycle analysis and environmental impact assesment of banana value chain in Ecuador
Main researcher: Almudena Hospido
Working Group: Laura Roibás
Financial organism: FAO
Amount 24615.00€
Date of publication: 01/07/2013
Asistencia técnica en el proceso de actualización y revisión detallada de los estudios de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida del atún en conserva
Main researcher: Almudena Hospido
Financial organism: LUIS CALVO SANZ, S.A.
Amount 16970.00€
Date of publication: 10/06/2013
Doctoral Theses
Evaluation of the spatio-temporal future effects of climate change on the European dairy sector
Authors-Ext: Paola Guzman Luna
Date: 16/06/2023
European doctorate: X
Knowledge integration to promote waste-to-PHA biorefineries
Authors: Mateo Saavedra
Date: 09/06/2023
European doctorate: x
Challenges implementing circular economy principles in the management of industrial saline effluents: from technology development to holistic assessment
Authors: Alba Roibás
Date: 16/06/2022
European doctorate: X
Cum Laude: X
Master Theses
Evaluación ambiental y económica de una estrategia de multivalorización secuencial del bagazo de manzana
Authors-Ext: I.C.G
Date: 09/07/2024
Evaluación ambiental da produción de sustratos para bioplásticos a partir de coproductos e residuos da industria agroalimentaria
Date: 14/09/2021

Máster in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses 

Produción de polihidroxibutirato(PHB) a partir de auga de cocción de mexillón (MPW) empregando unha bacteria halófila
Date: 07/07/2021

Máster in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses 

ENERWATER Project: Best Energy Efficiency Project 2018
Authors-Ext: Stefano Longo
Date of publication: 05/03/2018
CarboxyLCA: Computer-aided Design Tool for Foster­ing the Valorization of Food Waste and Side Streams into Carboxylates
Magazine/book: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 25th LCA Symposium
Date: 12/10/2022
Organization: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC Europe)
Optimization of the Environmental Performance of PHA Production Using Prospective LCA
Authors-Ext: Bernhard Steubing
Type: Poster
Magazine/book: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 25th LCA Symposium
Date: 12/10/2022
Organization: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC Europe)
Including Negative and Positive Effects in LCA when evaluating Salinity variations on Aquatic Environments
Authors-Ext: Alba Roibás-Rozas, Montserrat Núñez
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of 13th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2022 (LCA Foods 2022) On “The role of emerging economies in global food security”
Pages: 166-169
Date: 12/10/2022
City: Lima (Peru)