
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Anuska Mosquera

Research | Publications | Patents | Projects | Contracts | Doctoral Theses | MS Theses | Awards

Anuska Mosquera Corral

Pofessor of Chemical Engineering

Scientific Profiles

Associate professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) since 2007. PhD. in Chemical Sciences from the USC in 1998 focused on the nitrogen removal from industrial effluents. Postdoctoral researcher at the TU Delft (The Netherlands) in 2000-2001, where she specialized in aerobic granular reactors to remove organic matter (COD) and nitrogen from industrial wastewater and on the application of autotrophic denitrification (anammox, denitrification with sulphur compounds) to effluents with low COD content. Then in 2005, she began applying the molecular biology techniques (FISH and DGGE) for the identification of bacterial populations in bioreactors. In 2011, she began the research line of biopolymers (polyhydroxyalkanoates) production from liquid wastes using mixed cultures.


  • Graduation in Industrial Chemistry University of Santiago de Compostela, 1992.
  • MSc. Department of Chemical Engineering. University of Santiago de Compostela, 1993.
  • Ph.D. Department of Chemical Engineering. University of Santiago de Compostela, 1998.


  • Associate Professor USC (2012-present)
  • Assistant Professor USC (2003-2011)
  • Research Fellow USC (2001-2003)
  • Contract TMR in the Department of Biotechnology of the TU Delft (2000-2001)
  • Research Fellow USC (1996-1999)

Teaching Activities

  • Lab. Fluid Transport and Heat Transfer (Chemical Engineering Degree, 3rd year)
  • Project (Chemical Engineering Degree, 5th year, Technical Industrial Engineering Degree, 3rd year)
  • Methodological Tools applied to the wastewater treatment (Doctorate in Chemical and Environmental Engineering)

Research Activities

  • Biological wastewater treatment processes
    • COD and nutrients removal from urban and industrial wastewater
    • Aerobic granulation in Sequential Batch Reactors
    • Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (Anammox) process
  • Microscopy techniques: Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Webs of interest

Operational variables and microbial community dynamics affect granulation stability in continuous flow aerobic granular sludge reactors
Authors-Ext: Oscar Franchi, María Ignacia Alvarez, Juan Pablo Pavissicha, Marisol Belmonte, Jose Luis Campos
Magazine/book: Journal of water Process Engineering
Volume: 59
Date of publication: 01/03/2024
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 2214-7144
Impact Index: 7.00
Quartil: Q1 (21/160)
DOI: link
Integrating food waste management into urban wastewater treatment: Economic and environmental impacts
Authors-Ext: Dafne Crutchik, Javiera Barboza, José Ramón Vázquez-Padín, José Luis Campos
Magazine/book: Journal of Environmental Management
Volume: 345
Date of publication: 01/11/2023
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 0301-4797
Impact Index: 8.70
Quartil: Q1
Decil: D1
DOI: link
Rapid start-up and stable maintenance of the mainstream nitritation process based on the accumulation of free nitrous acid in a pilot-scale two-stage nitritation-anammox system
Authors-Ext: Nicolas Morales, Belen Rodelas, David Correa-Galeote, Jose Luis Campos, Jose Vazquez-Padin
Magazine/book: Separation and Purification Technology
Volume: 317
Date of publication: 15/07/2023
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 1383-5866
Impact Index: 8.60
Quartil: Q1
Decil: D1
DOI: link
Tratamiento de efluentes de gran caudal
Authors-Ext: Sergio Santorio
Date of publication: 20/12/2022
Método y sistema para la eliminación de fósforo, carbono orgánico y nitrógeno mediante biomasa granular aerobia y aeración pulsante
Authors-Ext: José Luis Campos
Date of publication: 27/09/2018
Method for Starting Up and Controlling a Biological Process for Ammonium Removal at Low Ammonium Concentrations and Low Temperature through the use of a Two Stage Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Process
Authors-Ext: Morales Pereira Nicolás; Vázquez Padín Jose Ramón; Rogalla Frank
Date of publication: 13/12/2017
Valorización de Residuos Grasos para producir Biopolímeros (PRETENACC)
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera
Working Group: Angeles Val, Alba Pedrouso
Financial organism: Xunta de Galicia
Reference: Proxecto cofinanciado pola Axencia Galega de Innovación da Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro do Programa Ignicia. 017_IN855A_2023
Scope: Proyecto autonómico
Date of publication: 01/01/2024
Aproximación holística a la recuperación de recursos de aguas residuales
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera
Financial organism: REDES DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2022
Reference: RED2022-134350-T
Amount 18400.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 01/06/2023
A holistic approach to resource recovery from wastewater (HOLIWATER)
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera
Financial organism: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / AEI
Reference: RED2022-134350-T
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 01/06/2023
Asesoramiento científico-técnico para el diseño y seguimiento del sistema de tratamiento de efluentes ANNAMOX
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera
Working Group: Lucía Argiz
Financial organism: FCC-Aqualia
Reference: Subcontratación del LIFE14 CCM/ES/000865. (Methamorphosis)
Amount 45989.92€
Date of publication: 01/01/2017
Desarrollo de biorreactores aeróbicos de lodo granular para el tratamiento y reutilización de aguas residuales.
Main researcher: Anuska Mosquera
Working Group: Anuska Mosquera
Financial organism: Espina & Delfín
Reference: 2006/CG570
Amount 56100.00€
Date of publication: 16/11/2006
Doctoral Theses
Challenges implementing circular economy principles in the management of industrial saline effluents: from technology development to holistic assessment
Authors: Alba Roibás
Date: 16/06/2022
European doctorate: X
Cum Laude: X
Continuous flow granular reactors to treat freshwater aquaculture effluents
Authors: Sergio Santorio
Date: 20/05/2022
European doctorate: X
Mixed-culture biotechnological processes for lipid-rich effluents valorization
Authors: Lucía Argiz
Date: 22/04/2022
European doctorate: X
Cum Laude: X
Master Theses
Optimización de la producción de ácidos grasos volátiles para la obtención de biopolímeros mediante la valorización de residuos orgánicos complejos
Authors: Isidora Casanova
Date: 15/03/2024

Master in chemical engineering and bioprocesses

Evaluación del proceso de nitritación parcial en continuo para la eliminación eficiente de nitrógeno en la línea principal de una EDAR
Authors: Guillermo Martin
Date: 01/03/2024
Evaluación del tratamiento de efluentes salinos con alta carga orgánica utilizando bacterias fototróficas púrpura en un reactor SBR
Authors: Miguel Bouzas
Date: 01/03/2024
Award to ELAN® technology
Date of publication: 28/11/2014
Best Oral Communication Award : "Glucose as substrate for PHA production by open bacterial enrichments"
Authors-Ext: R. Kleerebezem, M. van Loosdrecht
Date of publication: 07/10/2013
Start up of a pilot scale aerobic granular reactor
Authors-Ext: R.H.R. Costa
Magazine/book: IWA Conference on sustainable solutions fo small water and wastewater treatment systems
Date of publication: 19/04/2010
Publishing house: Universidad de Girona
Aerobic biodegradability of fat, oil and grease wastes
Type: Poster
Magazine/book: Book of abstract of the 6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP2023)
Date: 26/06/2023
Organization: Lequia, Universitat de Girona and Catalan Institute for Water Research
City: Girona
Biodegradabilidade de residuos graxos e oleosos para a súa valorización en biopolímeros
Authors-Ext: Jesús Gonzalez-Lopez
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: X Encontro Mocidade Investigadora
Date: 12/06/2023
Organization: Facultade de Ciencias Económica e Empresariais da USC
Including Negative and Positive Effects in LCA when evaluating Salinity variations on Aquatic Environments
Authors-Ext: Alba Roibás-Rozas, Montserrat Núñez
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of 13th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2022 (LCA Foods 2022) On “The role of emerging economies in global food security”
Pages: 166-169
Date: 12/10/2022
City: Lima (Peru)