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Yolanda López
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Yolanda López
PhD Candidate
Aerobic biodegradability of fat, oil and grease wastes
Authors: Carlota Ucha Muñoz, Yolanda López, Angeles Val, Alba Pedrouso, Jorge González-Rodríguez, Anuska Mosquera
Type: Poster
Magazine/book: Book of abstract of the 6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP2023)
Date: 26/06/2023
Organization: Lequia, Universitat de Girona and Catalan Institute for Water Research
City: Girona
Biodegradabilidade de residuos graxos e oleosos para a súa valorización en biopolímeros
Authors-Ext: Jesús Gonzalez-Lopez
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: X Encontro Mocidade Investigadora
Date: 12/06/2023
Organization: Facultade de Ciencias Económica e Empresariais da USC