
Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Juan M. Garrido

Research | Publications | Patents | Projects | Contracts | Doctoral Theses | MS Theses | Awards

Juan M. Garrido

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Scientific Profiles

Education & Research Stays

Research stays in foreign centers.
  • Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (9 months; 1993 – 1994 & 1996)
  • Centre International Sur L'Eau et L'Environment, CIRSEE, France, (6 months; 1997)
  • Ph.D. in Chemistry- Chemical Engineering. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1996)
  • Graduated in Industrial Chemistry. University of Santiago de Compostela (1991)


  • Associate Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela (2002 - )
  • Assistant Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela (1996 - 2002)

Teaching Activities

  • Chemical Reactors (Chemical Engineering Degree, 3rd year)
  • Electrical Engineering (Chemical Engineering Degree, 2nd year)
  • Laboratory of Environmental Technology (Master in Environmental Engineering)
  • Innovative Technologies for the Treatment of Waste Effluents (Master in Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering)

Research Activities

  • Membrane Biorreactors (MBR)
    • Development of Hybrid Biofilm-Suspended Biomass MBR
    • Development of combined Methanogenic+Aerobic MBR systems
    • Seawage treatment with MBR systems
    • Treatment of industrial wastewater with MBRs
    • Enrichment of N-damo microorganisms in MBR systems
  • Removal of nitrogen and dissolved methane from anaerobically treated effluents
    • Use of the SIAM process (developed by the USC) for treating urban and industrial wastewaters
  • Phosphorus recovery by Struvite Formation in Industrial Wastewaters
    • Research & Development project in collaboration with the company "Aqualia"
Still open research questions on technologies, microplastics, and antibiotic resistance
Authors-Ext: J. C. de Araújo ; H. A. Santos ; M. C. Tomei
Type: Book
Magazine/book: Anaerobic Treatment of Domestic Wastewater: Present Status and Potentialities
Chapter: 12
Date of publication: 15/05/2024
Publishing house: IWA Publishing
ISBN: 9781789063479
DOI: link
Metalloenzymes play major roles to achieve high-rate nitrogen removal in N-damo communities: Lessons from metaproteomics
Magazine/book: Bioresource Technology
Volume: 385
Date of publication: 01/10/2023
Publishing house: Elsevier
Impact Index: 11.40
DOI: link
Operating strategies to optimize a membrane bioreactor enriched in nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria
Authors-Ext: Adrián Arias, Tomás Allegue, Alaa Darwich, Manuel Fachal-Suárez
Magazine/book: Chemical Engineering Journal
Volume: 450 (Part 4)
Pages: 138289
Date of publication: 15/12/2022
Publishing house: Elsevier Ltd.
ISBN: 1385-8947
Impact Index: 13.27
Quartil: Q1
Decil: D1
DOI: link
Procedimiento y sistema de cristalización de estruvita para la recuperación de fosfatos en aguas residuales
Date of publication: 17/07/2014
Three stages membrane biological reactors, methanogenic, aerobic and filtration, for wastewater treatment
Date of publication: 19/04/2013
Sistema Integrado de reactor anaerobio metanogénico y biorreactor de membranas para la eliminación de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en aguas residuales
Date of publication: 20/01/2013
Assessing the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (micropollutants, pathogens and antibiotic resistances) during segregated wastewater treatment (ARES)
Main researcher: Juan M. Garrido, Francisco Omil
Financial organism: Spanish Government. AEI (Proyectos de generación de conocimiento 2021-2023)
Reference: PID2022-141203OB-I00
Amount 216800.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Partners: Jesús López Romalde (GIPA-USC), Augas de Galicia, Aqualia
Date of publication: 01/09/2023
(CO)METabolic biotransformations in low environmental footprint wastewater Treatment reactors, targeting organic micropollutants (COMETT)
Main researcher: Francisco Omil, Juan M. Garrido
Financial organism: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. MINECO
Reference: CTQ2016-80847-R
Amount 258940.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 30/12/2016
Integrated anaerobic system for wastewater reclamation at ambient temperature in European climates (LIFE SIAMEC)
Main researcher: Juan M. Garrido
Financial organism: European Commission
Amount 368779.00€
Scope: Proyecto europeo
Partners: CETAQUA (coordinator), CETGAL (Proyecto Life), Capsa Food, Esamur, Aguas de Murcia
Date of publication: 01/09/2015
Nuevas tecnologías para la detección y eliminación de microcontaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales (DEMAGUA).
Main researcher: Juan M. Garrido
Reference: 2013-CE239
Amount 240000.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 09/10/2013
ALEGRÍA: Algas y energía para la valorización de las aguas residuales de la industria alimentaria.
Main researcher: Juan M. Garrido
Amount 210600.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 03/04/2013
Operación de un sistema de precipitación de fósforo como estruvita a escala piloto con el fin de optimizar la operación de la EDAR de Guillarei (Tui) evitando la precipitación incontrolada de fósforo en el sistema
Main researcher: Juan M. Garrido
Financial organism: AQUALIA, S.A.
Reference: 2013-CE082
Amount 12000.00€
Scope: Proyecto autonómico
Date of publication: 04/03/2013
Doctoral Theses
Optimización de un sistema integrado anaerobio y biorreactor de membrana, con baja huella ambiental, para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de baja carga
Authors: Adrián Arias
Supervisors: Juan M. Garrido
Date: 23/09/2021
Cum Laude: x
Development and study of simultaneous nitrogen and methane removal bioprocesses for wastewater treatment
Authors: Tomás Allegue
Date: 23/07/2019
European doctorate: x
New strategies for the wastewater treatment with filtration membranes
Authors: Álvaro Silva
Supervisors: Juan M. Garrido
Date: 13/12/2018
European doctorate: x
Master Theses
Caracterización de contaminantes de preocupación emergente durante el tratamiento de aguas residuales de sistemas de tratamiento individual
Authors: Alberto Suárez
Supervisors: Juan M. Garrido
Date: 09/07/2024
Eliminación de contaminantes emergentes (microcontaminantes, resistencias a antibióticos y patógenos) mediante procesos biológicos anaerobios: Estudio del estado del arte y propuesta de estudio experimental.
Authors: Adrián Ferreiro
Date: 27/02/2024

Master in environmental engineering

Estudio de Mejoras para la Optimización de la Línea de Fangos en una Estación de Depuración de Aguas Residuales
Authors-Ext: A.J.S.C
Supervisors: Juan M. Garrido
Supervisors-Ext: Lamora Suárez, Carlos ( Co-tutor)
Date: 15/02/2024
Membrane fouling in a hybrid three stages anaerobic/aerobic MBR
Magazine/book: 8th Aachen Conference Water and Membranes
Date of publication: 03/10/2011
Assessing The Feasibility Of An Innovative Wastewater Treatment Technology For The Minimisation Of The Discharge Of Micropollutants And Antibiotic Resistances
Type: Poster presentation
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2022
Date: 06/06/2022
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Cerium as trace element to enhance nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation processes
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: 5th International Conference on Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP)
Date: 21/06/2021
City: Milan (Italy)
Efecto de la concentración de metales en la actividad de un biorreactor de membrana enriquecido en bacterias N-damo
Authors-Ext: Darwich A., A.1,Allegue T.
Type: Oral
Date: 20/11/2019
City: Santiago de Compostela