
Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Preselection for research contract associated to European Project USABLE PACKAGING

Preselection for research contract associated to European Project USABLE PACKAGING

15 Jul 2019

6-month research contract (extendable to 3 years for completion of a PhD thesis) is offered by the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela to work in the European project “Unlocking the potential of sustainable biodegradable packaging” (USABLE PACKAGING).

The contract includes an approximate gross salary of 1200 €/month and 14 payments/year. The contract starting date is approximately November 1 2019.

Research area

Multiscale modelling of the production and sustainability of novel bioplastics: from the metabolic description to the life cycle assessment.

Brief work description

Revision of the state-of-the-art related to LCIA models applied to plastics and bioplastics for posterior LCA of USABLE products and standard peers 

Development of metabolic model to describe the production of VFA from waste biomass by mixed culture fermentations and further transformation into PHA 

Knowledge integration of VFA/PHA production models and LCA for a holistic design of a sustainable bioplastic value-chain

Selection process

Applications must be sent to both miguel.mauricio@usc.es and almudena.hospido@usc.es (including in the subject: “USABLE PhD position”) before 19th August 2019 at 10:00.

Please download the document attached and check the requirements and the selection process for this position.