
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Sonia Suárez

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Sonia Suárez

Project Manager

I received a degree in Chemical Engineering in 2002 from University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Then I started my Master studies in the Biogroup at USC financed by the FPU fellowship from the Spanish Government to perform my doctoral thesis, which was defended in April 2008. My research has focused on the removal of organic micropollutants (mainly pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and estrogens) in sewage treatment plants (STPs), including primary, secondary and postreatment processes. Since 2008 I work as Project Manager at Biogroup, being my tasks mainly devoted to support proposal writing, partner search, management of ongoing projects and networking.

Metalloenzymes play major roles to achieve high-rate nitrogen removal in N-damo communities: Lessons from metaproteomics
Magazine/book: Bioresource Technology
Volume: 385
Date of publication: 01/10/2023
Publishing house: Elsevier
Impact Index: 11.40
DOI: link
Cometabolic removal of organic micropollutants by enriched nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidizing cultures
Authors-Ext: Teresa Alvariño
Magazine/book: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Volume: 402
Issue: 123450
Date of publication: 15/01/2021
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 0304-3894
DOI: link
A new decentralized biological treatment process based on activated carbon targeting organic micropollutant removal from hospital wastewaters
Authors-Ext: Teresa AlvarinoElena García-Sandá, Isabel Gutiérrez-Prada
Magazine/book: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Volume: 27
Issue: 2
Pages: 1214–1223
Date of publication: 01/01/2020
Publishing house: Springer
ISBN: Online ISSN: 1614-7499. Print ISSN 0944-1344
DOI: link
An innovative wastewater treatment technology based on UASB and IFAS for cost-efficient macro and micropollutant removal
Magazine/book: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Volume: 359
Pages: 113-120
Date of publication: 05/10/2018
ISBN: ISSN: 0304-3894
DOI: link
Trends in organic micropollutants removal in secondary treatment of sewage
Authors-Ext: Teresa Alvariño
Magazine/book: Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology
Volume: 17
Issue: 3
Pages: 447–469
Date of publication: 01/09/2018
Publishing house: Springer
ISBN: 1569-1705
DOI: link
Understanding the sorption and biotransformation of organic micropollutants in innovative biological wastewater treatment technologies
Authors-Ext: T.Alvarino
Magazine/book: Science of The Total Environment
Pages: 297–306 Vol 615
Date of publication: 15/02/2018
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0048-9697
Impact Index: 4.90
DOI: link
Assessing the feasibility of two hybrid MBR systems using PAC for removing macro and micropollutants
Magazine/book: Journal of Environmental Management
Pages: Volume 203, Part 2, Pages 831-837
Date of publication: 01/12/2017
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0301-4797
Impact Index: 4.01
Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment
Magazine/book: Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment (Book)
Pages: 690
Date of publication: 15/06/2017
Publishing house: IWA Publishing
ISBN: ISBN13: 9781780407869 // eISBN: 9781780407876
SeMPAC, tecnología compacta para el tratamiento de microcontaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales hospitalarias e industriales
Authors-Ext: I. Gutierrez-Prada, N. de Arespacochaga
Magazine/book: Industria Ambiente
Pages: 50-55
Date of publication: 01/10/2016
Publishing house: Infoedita
Effects of selected pharmaceuticals on nitrogen and phosphorus removal bioprocesses
Authors-Ext: E. Katsou, S. Malamisc, N. Frison, F. Fatone
Magazine/book: Chemical Engineering Journal
Pages: 509–517, Vol 295
Date of publication: 01/06/2016
Publishing house: Elsevier
The potential of the innovative SeMPAC process for enhancing the removal of recalcitrant organic micropollutants
Authors-Ext: O. Komesli
Magazine/book: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Pages: 29–36 vol.308
Date of publication: 01/05/2016
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0304-3894
A UASB reactor coupled to a hybrid aerobic MBR as innovative plant configuration to enhance the removal of organic micropollutants
Magazine/book: Chemosphere
Pages: 452-458, Vol 144
Date of publication: 01/02/2016
Publishing house: Elsevier
Role of biotransformation, sorption and mineralization of 14C-labelled sulfamethoxazole under different redox conditions
Authors-Ext: P. Nastold, P.F.X. Corvini, H. Bouju
Magazine/book: Science of the Total Environment
Pages: 706–715 vol. 542
Date of publication: 15/01/2016
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0048-9697
Removal of PPCPs from the sludge supernatant in a one stage nitritation/anammox process
Authors-Ext: E. Katsou, J. Vazquez-Padin
Magazine/book: Water Research
Pages: 701-709, Vol.68
Date of publication: 01/01/2015
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0043-1354
Understanding the removal mechanisms of PPCPs and the influence of main technological parameters in anaerobic UASB and aerobic CAS reactors
Magazine/book: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Pages: 506–513, vol 278
Date of publication: 15/08/2014
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: ISSN: 0304-3894
Inhibition of biomass activity in the via nitrite nitrogen removal processes by veterinary pharmaceuticals
Authors-Ext: E. Katsou, S. Malamis, F. Fatone
Magazine/book: Bioresource Technology
Pages: 477-483 Vol.152
Date of publication: 15/01/2014
Publishing house: Elsevier
Uso de carbón activo para la eliminación de microcontaminantes farmacéuticos y cosméticos en reactores biológicos de tratamiento de aguas
Magazine/book: Afinidad LXX
Pages: 175-182 of 563
Date of publication: 01/07/2013
Nuevos retos en la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas: La eliminación de microcontaminantes orgánicos
Editors: Anuska Mosquera
Magazine/book: Tecnologías Avanzadas para el Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales, 2ª Edición.
Pages: 251-276
Date of publication: 08/03/2013
Publishing house: Printed by Lapices4
ISBN: 13: 978-84-692-5028-0
Mass balance of pharmaceutical and personal care products in a pilot-scale single-sludge system: Influence of T, SRT and recirculation ratio
Magazine/book: Chemosphere
Pages: 89 (2): 164-171
Date of publication: 01/09/2012
Publishing house: Elsevier
Innovative Technologies for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (2nd Edition)
Magazine/book: Libro
Pages: 376
Date of publication: 11/07/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 13-978-84-695-3514-1
Mass balances of organic micropollutants in sewage treatment plants
Magazine/book: Innovative Technologies for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (2nd Edition)
Pages: Chapter 8. pp. 199-224
Date of publication: 11/07/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: Chapter 8. pp. 199-224
Removal of persistent pharmaceutical micropollutants from sewage by addition of PAC in a sequential membrane bioreactor
Magazine/book: Water Research
Pages: 45 (16): 5323-5333
Date of publication: 15/10/2011
Publishing house: Elsevier
Fate and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in a conventional activated sludge treatment process
A.M. Marinov, C.A. Brebbia
Magazine/book: Water Pollution X
Pages: 255-266
Date of publication: 13/07/2010
Publishing house: WIT Press
ISBN: 978-1-84564-448-2
Chapter VIII. Mass balances of organic micropollutants in sewage treatment plants
Magazine/book: Innovative Technologies for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants
Pages: Chapter VIII. pp. 191-216
Date of publication: 13/07/2010
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 13-978-84-693-3992-3
Removal of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Productys (PPCPs) under nitrifying and denitrifying and denitrifying conditions
Magazine/book: Water Research
Pages: 44 (10): 3214-3224
Date of publication: 30/04/2010
Publishing house: Elsevier
Chapter 16. Criteria for conceiving sewage treatment plants for an enhanced removal of organic micropollutants
D. Fatta-Kassinos, K. Bester, K. Kümmerer
Magazine/book: Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle
Pages: 283-306
Date of publication: 01/01/2010
Publishing house: Springer
ISBN: 9 789048 135080
Proyecto Novedar_Consolider: Concepción de la EDAR del siglo XXI
Magazine/book: Infoenviro
Pages: 43: 35-37
Date of publication: 01/03/2009
Proyecto Novedar_Consolider: Nuevas propuestas tecnológicas para recuperar recursos y mejorar la eficiencia de las EDARs
Magazine/book: Retema
Pages: 137: 60-69
Date of publication: 15/01/2009
Publishing house: C & M Publicaciones, S.L.
Pre-treatment of hospital wastewater by coagulation-flocculation and flotation
Magazine/book: Bioresource Technology.
Pages: 100: 2138-2146
Date of publication: 01/01/2009
Presencia de compuestos farmacéuticos en aguas residuales y posibilidades de eliminación en estaciones depuradoras
Damià Barceló.
Magazine/book: Aguas continentales.
Pages: pp. 225-240
Date of publication: 01/01/2008
Publishing house: Cyan, Proyectos y Producciones Editoriales, S.A.
ISBN: ISBN: 978-84-00-08664-0.
How are pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) removed from urban wastewaters?
Magazine/book: Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology
Pages: 7: 125-138
Date of publication: 01/01/2008
Fate of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic ingredients during the operation of a MBR treating sewage
Magazine/book: Desalination
Pages: 221: 511-517
Date of publication: 01/01/2008
Kinetics of triclosan oxidation by aqueous ozone and consequent loss of antibacterial activity: Relevance to municipal wastewater ozonation
Authors-Ext: M.C. Dodd, U. von Gunten
Magazine/book: Water Research
Pages: 41 (12): 2481-2490
Date of publication: 01/01/2007
Removal of pharmaceutically active compounds in nitrifying-denitrifying plants
Authors-Ext: M. Ramil
Magazine/book: Water Science and Technology
Pages: 52 (8): 9-14
Date of publication: 01/01/2005
Proceso para la eliminación de productos farmacéuticos presentes en aguas residuales
Authors-Ext: Denisse Serrano
Date of publication: 06/02/2012
Doctoral Theses
Behaviour of organic micropollutants and antibiotic resistance determinants during anoxic biological wastewater treatment
Authors: Miguel Martínez
Date: 16/12/2022
European doctorate: x
Mechanisms driving organic micropollutants removal in advanced biological wastewater treatment
Authors: Alvariño_Teresa
Date: 15/07/2016
Master Theses
Determinación de xenes funcionais nun reactor desnitrificante
Authors-Ext: Jose Rubén Coves Maciá
Date: 14/09/2020

Máster in Environmental Engineering 

Determinación da cinética de micropolutores en ambientes anóxicos.
Authors-Ext: Alejandro Coves
Date: 14/09/2020

Master in Environmental Engineering

Optimización de un proceso combinado de tratamiento biológico y adsorción de carbono activo para el tratamiento de aguas residuales complejas
Authors-Ext: Lucas Fernández Martínez
Date: 06/03/2017
Eliminación de microcontaminantes orgánicos en sistemas anóxicos de eliminación de gases de efecto invernadero
Authors-Ext: Sandra González Rodríguez
Date: 01/07/2016
Eliminación de microcontaminantes emergentes en configuraciones innovadoras de reactores biológicos de membrana
Date: 01/02/2015
Mecanismos de eliminación de microcontaminantes orgánicos en reactores biológicos aerobios y anaerobios
Authors: Alvariño_Teresa
Date: 08/07/2011
Assessing The Feasibility Of An Innovative Wastewater Treatment Technology For The Minimisation Of The Discharge Of Micropollutants And Antibiotic Resistances
Type: Poster presentation
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2022
Date: 06/06/2022
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
The role of microbial community composition on organic micropollutants biotransformation in anoxic conditions
Authors-Ext: S. Balboa
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Date: 01/09/2021
City: Atenas (Grecia)
Cerium as trace element to enhance nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation processes
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: 5th International Conference on Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP)
Date: 21/06/2021
City: Milan (Italy)
Anoxic Cometabolism of Organic Micropollutants in an Enriched n-DAMO Bacteria Culture
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: 11th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference
Date: 20/10/2019
Organization: IWA & National University of Seoul
City: Seoul (Korea)
Mechanisms Driving Organic Micropollutants Removal In Biological Wastewater Treatment
Authors-Ext: Teresa Alvarino
Type: Poster
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of 4th IWA Specialized International Conference. Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment
Date: 25/06/2018
City: London, Ontario, Canada
International: x
Scale-up and start-up of an industrial pilot plant treating hospital wastewaters
Magazine/book: Book of Abstracts of the10th World Congress on Chemical Engineering (WCCE 2017)
Pages: page 43
Date: 01/10/2017
City: Barcelona (Spain)
Addressing the challenge of organic micropollutants in wastewater treatment: emerging trends
Magazine/book: Book of Abstracts of the10th World Congress on Chemical Engineering (WCCE 2017)
Pages: Page 57
Date: 01/10/2017
City: Barcelona (Spain)
Enhancing The Removal Of Organic Micropollutants In Wastewaters With The Innovative SIAM Process
Magazine/book: Book of Abstracts of the10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2017
Date: 17/09/2017
Organization: IWA & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
City: Vienna (Austria)
The Chemical Structure of Organic Micropollutants Drives Their Enzymatic Biotransformation in Sewage Treatment Plants
Authors-Ext: E. Fernández-Fontaina
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 14th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies (LET2017)
Date: 29/05/2017
Publishing house: IWA
Organization: IWA
City: Florianópolis, Brazil
Minimization of the release of endotoxins and trihalomethanes in the aquatic system
Authors-Ext: T. Barcon, P. Grandío
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química
Pages: 181 of 336
Date: 09/11/2016
ISBN: 978-989-8124-17-3
City: Bragança, Portugal
Oral Presentation
Biological + PAC compact system for micropollutants removal from pharmaceutical wastewater
Authors-Ext: I. Gutierrez-Prada, G. Traba, A. Galí
Magazine/book: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016
Date: 09/10/2016
Organization: IWA
City: Brisbane (Australia)
Oral Presentation
Tracing Organic Micropollutants (OMPS) in the Water Cycle: From Sewage and Hospital Effluents to Drinking Water
Magazine/book: 9th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment & 15th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides
Pages: 310-311
Date: 04/10/2016
ISBN: 978-84-945958-1-3
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
(Poster Presentation)
How to remove the recalcitrant micropollutants in biological process? The innovative system SeMPAC
Authors-Ext: O. Komesli
Magazine/book: 3rd IWA Specialized International Conference. Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP16)
Date: 27/06/2016
City: Cambridge (UK)
Effect of pharmaceutical products on the biological nutrient removal via nitrite
Authors-Ext: E. Katsou, S. Malamis, N. Frison, F. Fatone
Magazine/book: 3rd IWA Specialized International Conference. Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP16)
Date: 27/06/2016
City: Cambridge (UK)
Biological Compact System With PAC Addition For Micropollutants Removal From Hospital Wastewater
Authors-Ext: I. Gutierrez-Prada, G. Traba, A. Gali, L. Rodriguez-Hernandez
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 13th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies
Date: 13/06/2016
City: Jerez de la Frontera (Spain)
Poster Presentation (P515)
Role of biotransformation, sorption and mineralization of 14C-labelled sulfamethoxazole under different redox conditions
Authors-Ext: Nastold P., Corvini P.F.X., Bouju H.,
Magazine/book: Proceedings of the 14th international Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015)
Date: 03/09/2015
City: Rhodes, Greece
The SeMPAC Process For The Removal Of Organic Micropollutants In Hospital Wastewater
Magazine/book: 12th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies
Date: 30/05/2015
Organization: IWA & The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
City: Hong Kong, China
The effect of activated carbon and membrane filtration in the removal of pharmaceutical products in hospital wastewaters
Authors-Ext: Nàdia Torregrosa
Magazine/book: Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation Conference (IWWATV) 2015
Date: 21/05/2015
Organization: National Technical University of Athens and Hellenic Water Association
City: Athens, Greece
The Role Of The Redox Potential, Primary And Secondary Metabolism In The Removal of PPCPs
Magazine/book: World Water Congress & exhibition
Date: 21/09/2014
Organization: IWA
City: Lisbon (Portugal)
Removal of micropollutants in a nitritation/anammox process
Authors-Ext: E. Katsou, J.R. Vázquez-Padín
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP2014).
Pages: pp. 42
Date: 23/06/2014
ISBN: 978-8869250002
Organization: 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP2014). Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges.
City: Verona (Italy)
Best Oral Presentation Award to Teresa Alvariño
Strategies based on ozone and activated carbon to remove emergent micropollutants in DWPs in the NW of Spai
Authors-Ext: P. Grandio, D. Simón
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes
Pages: 78 of 101.
Date: 27/10/2013
ISBN: 978-84-15487-99-9
City: Almeria (Spain)
Removal of organic micropollutants in an innovative Anaerobic/Aerobic Hybrid MBR system
Magazine/book: Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion
Pages: 73 de 200
Date: 25/06/2013
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 978-84-695-7756-1
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Fate of organic micropollutants during an autotrophic nitrogen removal process applied to the supernatant from a full-scale anaerobic sewagte sludge digester
Authors-Ext: J.R. Vázquez-Padín
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts 6th International Meeting on Biotechnology (Biotec 2012)
Pages: 216 (295)
Date: 19/09/2012
Publishing house: BIOTEC
ISBN: 13 978 84 695 4701 4
City: Bilbao (Spain)
Veterinary antibiotic removal in a two step nitrification process treating manure digestate
Authors-Ext: S. Di Fabio, F. Fatone
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment 2012 International Conference
Pages: Poster presentation. pp. 75 (90)
Date: 25/06/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 978-84-695-3605-6
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Analysis of pharmaceutical compound in hospital wastewaters
Authors-Ext: M. Gómez, M.J. Vázquez
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment 2012 International Conference
Pages: Poster presentation. pp. 75 (90)
Date: 25/06/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 978-84-695-3605-6
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Improving removal of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in STPs
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment 2012 International Conference
Pages: Platform presentation. pp. 42 (90)
Date: 25/06/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 978-84-695-3605-6
City: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Simulation based analysis of new layouts for eco-efficient Sewage Treatment Plants
Authors-Ext: T. Fernández, P. Grau, J. Abelleira, A. Donoso-Bravo, S. Pérez-Elvira, E. Ayesa
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment 2012 International Conference
Pages: Platform presentation. pp. 44 (90)
Date: 25/06/2012
Publishing house: Lápices 4
ISBN: 978-84-695-3605-6
City: Santiago de Compostela
Removal of pharmaceutical and cosmetic micropollutants in pilot-scale membrane-based bioreactors
Magazine/book: Micropol & Ecohazard 2011. Assessment and control of micropollutants/hazardous substances in water
Pages: 29
Date: 11/07/2011
Publishing house: IWA Publishing
City: Sydney (Australia)
Removal of persistent pharmaceutical micropollutants from sewage by addition of PAC in sequential membrane bioreactor
Magazine/book: IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse. MTWR 2010
Pages: 71-79
Date: 18/10/2010
City: Estambul (Turquía)
Fate and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in a conventional activated sludge treatment process
Magazine/book: Water Pollution X
Pages: 357
Date: 09/06/2010
Publishing house: WIT Press
ISBN: 978-1-84-564448-2
City: Bucarest (Rumanía)
Removal of micropollutants during physicochemical pretreatment of hospital wastewater
Magazine/book: Libro de Abstracts del 3rd International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering
Pages: 351
Date: 21/09/2009
Publishing house: Govern de les Illes Balears
ISBN: 978-84-692-4948-2
City: Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
3rd International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering
Removal of pharmaceutical and persoanl care products (PPCPs) under nitrifying and denitrifying conditions
Magazine/book: Proceedings of International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle. XENOWAC 2009.
Pages: 1-4
Date: 11/03/2009
Publishing house: University of Cyprus
ISBN: 978-9963-671-89-2
City: Paphos (Cyprus)