
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Gemma Eibes

Research | Publications | Patents | Projects | Contracts | Doctoral Theses | MS Theses | Awards

Gemma Eibes

Associate Professor

I received a degree in Chemical Engineering in January 2001 from University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), and started my Master studies in the Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses Group (BioGroup) at USC. In 2002 I got the FPI fellowship from the Spanish Government to perform my doctoral thesis, which was defended in March 2007. In September 2007 I got a Postdoctoral grant from the Spanish Government to perform a two-year research stay in the BioEngineering Research Group (BERG), in the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Lisbon. Afterwards, I returned to the BioGroup with a three-year Postdoctoral grant from Xunta de Galicia, which allowed me to combine research activities with university teaching. In December 2013 I was granted with another Postdoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia to continue my research at the Dep. of Chemical Engineering from USC. In 2015 I was awarded as principal investigator of a project in the “Proyectos I+D+i jóvenes investigadores” program (Mineco) and I am also principal investigator of an ERA-IB2 project, involving 4 different institutions in the European Union.

Scientific Profiles

Exploring macroalgae biorefinery: Extraction of bioactive compounds and production of volatile fatty acids
Authors-Ext: Juan Cubero
Magazine/book: Environmental Research
Volume: 263
Date of publication: 15/12/2024
Publishing house: Elsevier
DOI: link
Integral multi-valorization of agro-industrial wastes: A review
Authors-Ext: Inés Prado-Acebo, Juan Cubero-Cardoso
Magazine/book: Waste Management
Volume: 183
Pages: 42-52
Date of publication: 30/06/2024
Publishing house: Elsevier
DOI: link
Electrochemical oxidation of lignin for the simultaneous production of bioadhesive precursors and value-added chemicals
Authors-Ext: Julio Conde, Xinyi Chen, Antonio Pizzi
Magazine/book: Biomass and Bioenergy
Volume: 169 (2023)
Date of publication: 26/12/2022
Publishing house: Elsevier
ISBN: 978-3-319-34927-5
Impact Index: 5.77
Quartil: Q1
DOI: link
Procedimiento y sistema de eliminación de microcontaminantes mediante reactor con nanopartículas magnéticas y unidad de separación externa
Authors-Ext: Carlos Vázquez Vázquez, Alfonso Fondado Fondado, Jorge Mira Pérez
Date of publication: 08/10/2018
Method and system for eliminating microcontaminants by means of a reactor with an enzyme immobilised in magnetic nanoparticles and an internal separation unit
Authors-Ext: Adriana Arca Ramos, Carlos Vázquez Vázquez, Alfonso Fondado Fondado, Jorge Mira Pérez,
Date of publication: 12/09/2018
Procedimiento y sistema para la eliminación de microcontaminantes mediante un reactor con enzima inmovilizada en nanopartículas magnéticas y unidad de separación interna
Authors-Ext: Carlos Vázquez Vázquez, Alfonso Fondado Fondado, Jorge Mira Pérez
Date of publication: 04/05/2016
Enzymatic PET biorecycling (PETzyme)
Main researcher: Gemma Eibes
Financial organism: NextGeneration EU, Strategic Projects Oriented to the Ecological and Digital Transition. (RD 685/2021, 3 agosto)
Reference: TED2021-131322B-I00
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Partners: José Martínez Costas
Date of publication: 01/01/2022
Biorefinery for apple pomace: nutraceuticals, enzymes and biofuels (ULTREIA)
Main researcher: Gemma Eibes
Financial organism: Galician Government
Reference: ED431F 2020/06
Amount 115000.00€
Scope: Proyecto autonómico
Partners: Laboratory of Research and Development of Analytical Solutions (LIDSA - USC) and University of Leipzig
Date of publication: 01/10/2020
Biocatalytic synthesis of hydroxylated oligoflavonoids (Bioflav-OH)
Main researcher: Gemma Eibes
Financial organism: Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Reference: RETOS JIN 2018 (RTI2018-094482-J-I00)
Amount 169400.00€
Scope: Proyecto nacional
Date of publication: 01/08/2019
Doctoral Theses
Production strategies and environmental applications of fungal enzymes
Authors: Sandra González
Supervisors: Maite Moreira, Gemma Eibes
Date: 13/07/2023
European doctorate: X
Enzymatic technology for the production of high added value oligomers from natural antioxidants
Authors: Abel Muñiz
Supervisors: Gemma Eibes
Supervisors-Ext: Beatriz Gullón
Date: 01/04/2022
European doctorate: X
Cum Laude: X
Laccase-based technologies to remove organic pollutants from soils and wastewaters
Authors: Adriana Arca
Supervisors: Maite Moreira, Gemma Eibes
Date: 11/12/2015
Master Theses
Producción de enzimas hidrolíticas de PET en biorreactor
Authors: Jaime Landeira
Date: 11/09/2024
Evaluación ambiental y económica de una estrategia de multivalorización secuencial del bagazo de manzana
Authors-Ext: I.C.G
Date: 09/07/2024
Valorización secuencial del bagazo de manzana: extracción de compuestos bioactivos y producción de biocombustibles por fermentación ABE
Authors: Alfonso Bea
Supervisors: Gemma Eibes, Thelmo Lu Chau
Supervisors-Ext: Raquel Fariñas
Date: 15/02/2024

Master in chemical engineering and bioprocesses

Removal of emerging contaminants with unspecific peroxygenases (UPOs)
Type: Oral
Magazine/book: Book of abstracts of European Biotechnology Congress 2022
Date: 05/10/2022
City: Masaryk College (Praga, República Checa)
Enhancing the properties of natural antioxidants through enzymatic modification: exploring the potential of the recently discovered unspecific peroxygenase (UPO)
Authors-Ext: Beatriz Gullón
Type: Poster presentation
Magazine/book: III Congreso Ibero-Americano de Biotecnología
Date: 07/04/2022
City: Braga (Portugal)
Optimization of biobutanol production from apple pomace hydrolysate by acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation of Clostridium beijerinckii CECT 508
Authors-Ext: Javier A. Bravo-Venegas
Type: Poster presentation
Magazine/book: III Bio Iberoamerica: Ibero-american congress on biotechnology
Date: 07/04/2022
City: Braga (Portugal)