Congratulations to Gemma Eibes for her appointment as Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at Universidade of Santiago de Compostela last November, 15th.
Gemma is a Chemical Engineer by Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2001) and hold a PhD (Enzymatic degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by manganese peroxidase in reactors containing organic solvents) since March 2007. She got a Postdoctoral grant from the Spanish Government to perform a two-year research stay in the BioEngineering Research Group (BERG), in the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Lisbon. Afterwards she got the Postdoctoral grant from Xunta de Galicia and finally Ramón y Cajal Fellowship. Currently she is leading two projects: PetZyme (Strategic Projects Oriented to the Ecological and Digital Transition from Spanish Government) and Ultreia (Funded by Galician Government)
At the BioGroup, Gemma leads the research lines Added-value compounds from agro-industrial residues and New biologically active molecules obtained by enzymatic oligomerization
Congratulations Gemma!