
Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Grupo de Biotecnoloxía Ambiental

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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2nd prize in the VI Research Pitches Contest for Lucas van der Hauwaert

2nd prize in the VI Research Pitches Contest for Lucas van der Hauwaert

5 Jul 2022

The second prize in the competition went to Lucas Van der Hauwaert from BioGroup, enrolled in the PhD programme in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at USC. In his video presentation ALQUIMIA: A modeling framework for biorefinery design integrating predictive bioreactor models, Lucas explains how bioreactors can help make products more sustainable. His research project focuses on finding refinery designs that incorporate bioreactors.

In their observations, the academic personnel who are part of the evaluating body noted that a large number of products are not sustainable because they do not use renewable resources. Therefore, it is “a problem of nowadays society that demands solutions” and the scientist’s project “presents a general idea of how the process could be analysed in a sustainable bioreactor”.

Congratulations Lucas!!!