Ángeles Val was appointed as Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela after passing an evaluation process.
Ángeles obtained a degree in Chemical Engineering in June 2006 at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and then she got the FPU fellowship from the Spanish Government to perform her doctoral thesis in the group of Environmental Biotechnology (BioGroup) at USC which was finished in December 2012. In the stage as post-doctoral researcher at the Biogroup she was awarded as principal investigator of a national project (“Proyectos I+D+i jóvenes investigadores”, MINECO). In 2017 she performed a foreign stay of two years at National University of Ireland and University of Minho with the grant Xunta de Galicia fellowship .
Her research expertise focuses in the application of novel biological processes for wastewater treatment, like aerobic granular systems and anammox based processes.
Congratulations for your new postition, Ángeles!