
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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2.1.4 Energy efficiency: the water and energy nexus

WATER and ENERGY are highly interconnected. Water is needed for each stage of energy production and energy is crucial for the provision and treatment of water. This fundamental resource relationship is called the water-energy nexus. The higher the water use, the higher the energy use, and then the higher the water use for energy production, resulting in a feedback loop and ultimately in higher carbon emissions. With both water and energy needs set to increase, it has become ever more important to understand the linkages between the two, to anticipate future stress points and implement policies, technologies and practices that soundly address the associated risks.
Completed Projects

The main objective of ENERWATER is to develop, validate and disseminate an innovative standard methodology for continuously assessing, labelling and improving the overall energy performance of WWTPs. For that purpose a collaboration framework in the waste water treatment sector including research groups, SMEs, utilities, city councils, authorities and industry will be set up. ENERWATER will devote important efforts to ensure that the method is widely adopted. Subsequent objectives are to impulse dialogue towards the creation of a specific European legislation following the example of recently approved EU directives, to achieve EU energy reductions objectives for 2020, ensuring effluent water quality, environmental protection and compliance with the WFD. These actions should bring European Water Industry a competitive advantage in new products development and a faster access to markets by facilitating evidence of reduction therefore fostering adoption on new technologies

Award: Best Energy Efficiency Project 2018