Evaluation of innovative technologies for wastewater treatment (RedNovedar). Spanish Government (MINECO). (CTQ2016-81979-REDC) (2017-2019) IP: Juan M. Lema In the Novedar_Consolider project an inter-disciplinarian team composed of environmental engineers, microbiologists, toxicologists and economists shared the target of developing and implementing innovative technologies for treatment and reuse of wastewater from a holistic approach. Currently, the Novedar team is well-known due to their scientific and technological achievements among the Spanish water industry and Administration, and also between international scientists. The aim of the present network of excellence is to increase the value of the project outcomes by stressing the activities on the assessment of the more innovative processes. The acivity plan includes the up-scaling and validation of the new technologies, the cross validation of equivalent processes, the consolidation of technology transfer, the discussion and dissemination of results at an international level and the organization of training activities on topics beyond the current state of the art (international summer schools, workshops on disruptive technologies and technical courses). Visits and meetings between researchers will allow establishing new and improved collaboration opportunities. A final conference targeted to water industry and Administration is proposed to further promote the corporate Novedar brand. The new initiatives proposed will enhance the impacts of the Novedar developments. The improved scientific quality of the collaborative research will increase the publication capacity and visibility of the partners at an international level. Dissemination to the industrial community during the courses and final conference will promote the technology transfer opportunities. The visibility of the networking results to stakeholders will be reinforced through the project website and by producing and distributing videos on the technological developments. www.novedar.com/ Partners: - University of Santiago de Compostela (USC-Coordinator) - University of Cantabria (UC) - University of Barcelona (UB) - University of Cádiz (UCA) - University of Girona (UdG) - Centre CEIT of Gipuzkoa (CEIT) - University of Valladolid - University of Valencia (UV) - University of Murcia (UM) - Wageningen University & Research (WUR) - Technical University of Delft (TUD)