
Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Vida Cretus

Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

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Red REGATA. Consolidation and structure programme of competitive research units. Competitive Reference Networks.

REGATA (Galician Network of Environmental Technologies) comprises 16 research groups from the three Galician Universities: Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo. It was founded in 2014 as "Galician Network of Wastewater Treatment" with the main goal of enhancing collaboration between its partners. In 2016 the network was extended to environmental technologies, incorporating new research groups. The new network mantains the same aims since its origin, facilitates the joint use of installations and resources and to provide complementary training to its members. The network is structured in nine topics in order to tackle the challenges in environmental technologies with a multidisciplinary coherent approach.


  1. Environmental Biotechnology (Biogroup) - U. of Santiago de Compostela (Coordinator)
  2. Bioengineering & Sustainable Processes (BIOSUV) - U. of Vigo
  3. Environmental Chemical Engineering (EnQA) - U.of Coruña
  4. Water Engineering and Environment (GEAMA) - U.of Coruña
  5. Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering (BIOENGIN) - U. of Coruña
  6. Chromatography and Chemometrics (CromChem) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  7. Laboratory of Research and Development of Analytical Solutions (LIDSA) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  8. Applied Analytical Chemistry (QANAP) - University of Coruña
  9. Cartography of soils and landscape, phisical-chemistry, degradation and recovery of grounds and waters (AMBIOSOL)- U. of Santiago de Compostela
  10. Social Behavior and Applied Psychometric (COSOYPA) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  11. Ecotoxicology and Plant Ecophysiology (ECOTOX) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  12. Environmental Chemical Physics (QFA) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  13. Aquaculture and Biotechnology (Acuabiotec) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  14. Environmental biology (BA2) - U. of Vigo
  15. Trace Elements, Spectroscopy and Speciation (GETEE) - U. of Santiago de Compostela
  16. Research on Pathology in Aquaculture (GIPA) - U. of Santiago de Compostela






REGATA website:www.regata.gal/

Noticias sobre antigua REGATA: - La voz de Galicia - El Correo Gallego - G Ciencia - Revista de acuicultura Ipac